If you have never tried a manicure then you may not know that there are many different types of manicure. A French manicure is the most common one. You will see that here the entire nail is left clear while the tips of the nails are painted white. There is also a paraffin manicure where the hands and nails are dipped into paraffin wax to remove all the impurities. You can also opt for spa manicures where packs and masks are applied to the hands and nails.
Lets find out more on the terms used during a manicure.
Proximal nail fold:
It is the nearest attached end of the nail. It is actually a soft tissues that safeguards the
The growing plate.
The Eponychium is the part that is seen of the proximal nail fold and is at the end of the base.
The Cuticle
You will see that the eponychium has a thin layer of skin that has no colour and that will shed.
Cuticle Remover
A Cuticle remover is a solution that helps in softening the cuticles. Most cuticle removers have potassium hydroxide or sodium and some amount of glycerine. This is usually applied to the cuticles and the fingers are soaked in the water again.
Nail Cleansers
They are a type of scrub or soap solution, mostly in a liquid that is put in the soaking water during a manicure. It helps in removing dirt that is embedded deep in the plate.
Cuticle Oil and Creams
They are creams and oils used to lubricate them.
Nail Bleaches
Nail polish remover or hydrogen peroxide is bleach. It removes polish and also helps in removing stains from the nails. Nail bleach is applied all over and wiped clean with cotton.
Nail Enamel
They are nails polishes and the pretty colours applied to the ends of the nails after the manicure. Usually two coats are applied and on the last coat is a top coast where transparent enamel is applied to protect the nail and colour from chipping.
Lets find out more on the terms used during a manicure.
Proximal nail fold:
It is the nearest attached end of the nail. It is actually a soft tissues that safeguards the
The growing plate.
The Eponychium is the part that is seen of the proximal nail fold and is at the end of the base.
The Cuticle
You will see that the eponychium has a thin layer of skin that has no colour and that will shed.
Cuticle Remover
A Cuticle remover is a solution that helps in softening the cuticles. Most cuticle removers have potassium hydroxide or sodium and some amount of glycerine. This is usually applied to the cuticles and the fingers are soaked in the water again.
Nail Cleansers
They are a type of scrub or soap solution, mostly in a liquid that is put in the soaking water during a manicure. It helps in removing dirt that is embedded deep in the plate.
Cuticle Oil and Creams
They are creams and oils used to lubricate them.
Nail Bleaches
Nail polish remover or hydrogen peroxide is bleach. It removes polish and also helps in removing stains from the nails. Nail bleach is applied all over and wiped clean with cotton.
Nail Enamel
They are nails polishes and the pretty colours applied to the ends of the nails after the manicure. Usually two coats are applied and on the last coat is a top coast where transparent enamel is applied to protect the nail and colour from chipping.